top picks

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Energy Anatomy

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Carolyn Myss doesn't pull any punches when she describes how the ways we invest our energy affect our emotional and spiritual health. Blending symbolism that draws from her childhood in the Catholic Church, the Chakras of Indian tradition and the Qaballah gives her a framework with which to describe the various ways we disengage from our own power. This framework also gives useful clues toward reengaging with this power and developing a congruence that nurtures our further growth and healing.

She spends a good deal of time delving into the ways we waste our energy and power, and how to recognize when we do this. She uses the language of economics, describing how we finance thoughtforms with our energy- even things we'd rather not be contributing to. When we really take a look at where our energy is going, we can get a sense of how much more energy we could have if we stop financing thoughts that don't serve us.

If you don't mind challenging questions and uncomfortable answers that are simultaneously liberating, this book may invite you to a new perspective on your situation. I listened to this as an audiobook, and found that listening to Carolyn Myss speak her own truth was an experience worth taking the time for.

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