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Saturday, May 14, 2011

On Fascia and Social Change


Fascia is the network of collagen fibers in ground substance that shapes our flesh. Is there a metaphor in this about personal change and social change? Can we think of humans as the fibers in the mesh of the universe, creating shape and meaning, and binding together in many different ways for many different aims. How then, can we affect this human fascia, finding the uncomfortable places and learning how to experience them with greater awareness and intent?

Furthering this metaphor, scar tissue is where the friction has made a mess of human relationship, and the aim of deep tissue work is to align the fibers so they have a more functional relationship with one another. Less friction creates less resistance, and this is true on a physiological level as well as on a relational level.

Choice Theory is like deep tissue for relationships. When we learn how much influence we have over our experience, we can make better choices so that relationship itself becomes something of a flow generator. We learn how not to catch on one another's rough spots and find the places where we line up and work well together.

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